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Writer's pictureJ. Collaso

Starting a business with a family

Updated: Apr 30, 2019

I will admit this is not my first business, but it is my first business as a wife and mother. To all of my fellow business owners/ family women, I salute you. This is not an easy task. My budget is limited, my time is precious, and my sanity is barely hanging on.

In order to commit the needed time to my business, I must keep to a tight schedule. This isn't always the case since life happens, but for the most part I report to my laptop the same way I report to work. I rarely work on the business without a 2 year old by my side, but he has learned that mommy is busy and won't be able to jump up every time he calls my name.

I also must remember to shut the business woman off for my family. Once again, I am guilty of not always doing this, but I put forth an effort to be strictly mom and wife. As I write this I feel the need to be transparent. I feel the need to share that just yesterday I spent hours sitting with my family at the car dealership, waiting for the vehicle to be detailed, glued to my phone working on the add located on the home screen. As I tuned out the world, my amazing husband ran the toddler to and from the bathroom while keeping him entertained. Date nights are sometimes planned weeks in advanced, and I try to have mommy time once a day. It is very important to me for my children to know that they come before it all. Once again, this requires me to stick to a tight schedule.

Let's not forget that I have a job! Like many other boss divas, I report to a building on a daily basis and earn them coins. I am a teacher, and I love it, but oh the joy of dreaming about the day I can 100% work for myself/ family. Until then, I have to limit time spent on my business even more, to aid my husband in securing a comfortable lifestyle for our children. I don't really have much to say on this topic except I try not to get fired, be too tired, and I try to be on time especially in the mornings. It's funny I how can't break away from my laptop because I am deep in the boss diva mindset when I KNOW I am expected to be somewhere in less than an hour.

Finally, I must remember that before it all, I was a fun loving girl! Unfortunately, this is the area that get neglected the most. I mean sheesh, you have to be a magician to balance EVERYTHING!!! My true friends understand that I love them dearly, but life is busy. I have a few everyday friends, but majority of my friends are once a week/month/ every blue moon friends. Oh but when we get together, and I am able to tune out my "at home worries", you better watch out! When I can be Jeanetta, and not mom/wife/teacher/ boss diva... well I'm ALWAYS a boss... my girls and I cut loose. We keep it classy, and we enjoy each other and life.

Through it all, I love my life. I am blessed with a wonderful family, and a supportive circle. Things are forgotten, people grow distant, and my family sometimes have to remind me to give it a rest. The moral of the story... I do NOT have it all together, but I make it work. That's what boss divas do!

Peace and love to you all,

J. Collaso

Collaso Creations

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Lynne Jordan
Lynne Jordan
May 01, 2019

Go Girl GO!!

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